Dog Training App


In progress...

Dog Training App is Laravel 10, Inertia, Vue3 application that tracks your dog's training.

User can:

  • register and login to the application

  • add a dog (todo, dogs are seeded for start)

  • see all their dogs

  • choose a dog and for that dog user can:

    • get random skill to practice on

    • add new skill with category (select from dropdown or add new one) and status(to learn, in progress, done)

    • choose category and see all dog's skills

    • edit status of a skill for that dog (todo, in progress, done)


  • add training

  • see all upcoming, past trainings with notes

  • dog's profile (edit, show all learned skills)

  • ...


  • Laravel

  • Inertia

  • Vue

  • Pinia