
MedList DEMO

MedList is Laravel, Inertia, Vue3 application that let's you create and export to pdf your personal medication list for you or someone else.

  • Landing Page

  • Authetication with Laravel Jetstream

  • Eloquent Relationships:

    • User hasMany Patients, Patient belongsTo User

    • Patient has Many Drugs, Drug belongsTo Patient

Auth user can:

  • create, edit and delete a patient

  • Search through list of patients by first_name and last_name

  • Filter through list of patients by updated_at field

  • Show patient's data and list of drugs they are taking

  • Add new drug, edit, delete drug for a patient

  • Export to PDF with DOMPdf

  • Seeder for test user: seed patients with drugs


  • Laravel, Inertia, Vue

  • TailwindCSS

  • Date-fns

  • Heroicons/vue

  • Vue-Tailwind-Datepicker

  • Laravel DOMPdf


clone repository, adjust .env, create database

composer install

npm install && npm run dev

php artisan key:generate

php artisan migrate

php artisan db:seed


These are credentials for test user that already has seeded few patients and each patient has seeded drugs.

username: first@test.com password: password