Movie App


Movie App is a movie application built with Vue.js.


  • Displays a list of movies with their titles, release year, imdb rating and genre in a table with PrimeVue Paginator

    For the list of movies I used external API:

  • Search bar allows users to search for movies by title or/and release year.

  • Filtering movies by genre

  • Sorting movies by title, rating, year

  • User can rate movies on a scale of 1-5 stars. I used PrimeVue Rating component for this.

  • User's rating of each movie is stored in local storage, so that the user can later on see his own ratings, when he comes back to the application. VueUse useStorage().

  • Display the average rating for each movie.

  • Users can write reviews for movies. Reviews are displayed in Modal with PrimeVue Dialog component and are also saved in localStorage with useStorage from VueUse.

  • Users can create and save custom movie lists, such as “Favorites” or “Xmas Movies" and add movies to the list. List and it's movies are saved in localStorage.


  • Vue

  • Pinia

  • PrimeVue

  • VueUse