Statamic Navigation with Blade

November 24th, 2022

Options to create statamic navigation:

  • Statamic::tag('nav:collection:pages')

  • Statamic::tag('nav:main_menu')

Statamic Navigation: all pages included in nav

1<div class="flex gap-8">
2 @foreach (Statamic::tag('nav:collection:pages')->params(['include_home' => true])->sort('order')->fetch() as $entry)
3 <a href="{{ $entry['url']->value() }}" class="text-lg tracking-wider @if($entry['is_parent'] || $entry['is_current']) font-semibold text-cyan-300 @endif">{{ $entry['title']->value() }}</a>
4 @endforeach

Custom Statamic Navigation: if you don't want all pages included in nav

  1. Create a new Navigation in Statamic control panel with title Main Menu and handle main_menu

  2. Configure Navigation:

    • choose which collections will you link to navigation (Collection: Pages)

    • expect root page (no, our link to home will be our logo)

    • define max depth (1)

  3. Add Nav Item -> Link to entry: (Blog) or Link to URL (outside url, if you need)

  4. Get links

2 $links = Statamic::tag('nav:main_menu')->fetch();
3 dd($links);
  1. Show links in menu

Difference between Statamic::tag('collection:pages') and Statamic::tag('nav:collection:pages')

With nav tag you get more useful info for building navigation:

  • is_current

  • is_parent

  • first, last

  • count, index

  • children, depth

Without nav tag, you get only basic entry data.


1$menu = Statamic::tag('nav:collection:pages')->fetch();


1$menu = Statamic::tag('collection:pages')->fetch();

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